Doctorate In Business Administration
The DBA is an integrated high level work and research program for management practitioners and professionals, who are oriented towards making a significant contribution to practice and policy.
The DBA is suitable for a certain type of project from professionals who are looking for more pragmatism or are looking for modeling their managerial practices.
This training allows professional managers to conceptualize their knowledge and experience and to learn to share and disseminate it in written form through a rigorous Thesis.
Graduates from the program are expected to make a key contribution to practice, so program work will relate to the chosen topic of Thesis as well as research methodologies.
DBA international recognition is granted since many universities internationally offer this type of course. DBA Auditors will also gain recognition through their scientific publications and they will take part of a network of professors and scientists across the world.
Our DBA can be followed on campus in Geneva or at distance. For the latest, we will provide the student with a mentor and with two one week methodology seminars in Geneva over two years. We believe that the distance program is more suitable for a DBA as it allows the student to combine her/his research with her/his job.